Peer review process
Journal of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration (JICIA) is a peer reviewed journal. Editorial decisions are only made by examining complete and final manuscripts. All decisions remain within the full discretion of the Editorial Board. It should be confirmed by authors that the manuscript is original and it has not been, and will not be, submitted to any other journals at the time of reviewing by JICIA
The review process is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, manuscripts are appraised by the editors-in-chief. If the manuscript is relevant to the Journal areas and appropriate for publication, the manuscript is then passed to other members of the editorial board for a detailed review. The aim is to complete the review of manuscripts within two months.
Authors should submit their work by uploading as a word doc/docx via online submission system. There is no deadline for submission and manuscripts are considered on a rolling basis. If you have any queries before submission, please contact the Journal (
JICIA only publishes manuscripts originally written in English. It does not accept translated manuscripts. If English is not the first language, it is strongly recommended that language editing should be used before submission in order to ensure that the manuscript is understood by the editors and reviewers.
Format and Style
Articles should range from 6000 to 8000 words. Current development should be between 3000 and 5000 words. Case comment should not exceed 2500 words.
The front page should contain the title of the manuscript, the full name of author(s). An abstract of between 150 and 250 words should also be provided.
A short biographical note including current affiliation should be provided in a separate file. Email address should also be included.
Authors are recommended to use the style of OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities)
By submitting an article for publication, authors grant an exclusive licence to Allameh Tabatabai University to publish the article in a paper and open electronic access forms. The free open access allows readers to the full text of your paper whether or not they are a subscriber to the Journal
Proofs and offprint
Authors will be sent a link to the PDF proof of their manuscript. The proof should be checked upon receipt. Minor changes can be made at this stage.
All contributors will have free online access to their published articles. They will be provided with one hard copy. Link to the published articles can be created from an institutional website.